Influences: Swarm Intelligence

Hailing from Dublin, Swarm Intelligence has been pushing relentless, distorted techno records for more than a decade. Honing in on his skills and style, Swarm Intelligence has contributed outstanding releases to labels such as Motz, Killekill, HANDS and now NEW YORK TRAX Import. Debuting on the label with a killer four-track EP, the release is

Influences: Secretsundaze

As someone who’s recently moved to Berlin from London, writing about Secretsundaze makes me feel incredibly homesick. As a Londoner, part of the dance music community, Secretsundaze is your go-to label and party. It’s a promoter you’re introduced to very early on by your friends, waiting for each bank holiday to come around the corner

The Lowdown: Christopher Joseph

Christopher Joseph’s early musical experiences revolve around the rich history of New Orleans, where he grew up but his first stepping stones into exploring music as a hobby or career were formed around metal bands. Playing the drums in these bands gave him the rhythmic experience he needed to transition into electronic music where he

Untitled 909 Podcast 023: Hoshina Anniversary

We’ve previously featured Hoshina Anniversary around his brilliant EP ‘A Cid’ on Jack Dept. late last year. Since then, the Tokyo based artist has released on Youth, Safe Trip and more recently Musar Recordings with ‘Zangai’. His music often incorporates Japanese traditional music which Hoshina has coined as ‘Watechno’ – ‘Wa’ meaning Japanese. This is

Dasha Rush collaborates with designer UY for ZONE

The performance will take place at Halle am Wriezener Bahnhof on Friday 5th July.  Russian-born, Berlin-based artist has teamed up with UY Studio – a Berlin designer collective who recently collaborated with Staatsballet and the Deutsche Opera – for a new performance called ZONE 005. Cited in the press release as ‘a spiritual journey –

The Lowdown: Katerina

I first discovered Katerina through her release on Cómeme, ‘Just When You Thought It Was Over’ and was encapsulated by the eclecticism shown on one project. Flowing through the five tracks, you never knew what the next one would hold as it spanned across haunting tribal-esque rhythms on ‘Solitude Survivor’, hints of acid house on

Influences: Territroy

For our most unique Influences feature to date, Greek duo Territroy talks us through the art forms that helped create their debut album ‘Skulls & Plants’. Landing on DKMNTL UFO imprint, the label named after the techno-focused stage at the mother festival, ‘Skulls & Plants’ combine the two opposing producers traits for a truly unique